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The archives from the Monasteries and from the Holy Community of Mount Athos are distinguished in Greek and foreign languages.???? The archives from the Monasteries and from the Holy Community of Mount Athos are distinguished in Greek and foreign languages.

Greek Archives
The archive of Greek documents, according to their chronological period, can be distinguished in a) Byzantine, b) post-Byzantine and c) modern.

Foreign language Archives
The foreign language archives mostly include a) Slavonic, b) Turkish and c) Romanian documents.

The morphology of archival documents.
All archival documents are preserved in two forms:

a. Documents. The vast majority of the collection consists of documents in paper, with a single or more pages. A relatively small number of these documents, dating from the Byzantine and post-Byzantine era, are written in parchment. There are also long scrolls, in both parchment and paper, with archival content.

b. Archival Codices. The archival codices, many of which are bulky and multi-paged, contain for the most part copies of documents and correspondance. The collection also includes financial records.

Documents: Results 1-10 of 10.
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Abstract: Πριν σκοτωθεί στον Άγιο Μάμαντα, ο Μεχμέτ πασάς ήταν "σούμπασης" στα μετόχια των μονών Ξηροποτάμου και Δοχειαρίου. Με τ...
Date from: 1762-11-27
Type: Other; Receipt/Invoice; Letter
Abstract: Περί σιταριού και άλλων τροφίμων.
Date from: 1881-01-15
Type: Receipt/Invoice
Abstract: Εξοφλητική απόδειξη του γραφείου του Ταπουτζή στον Πολύγυρο για τα χρήματα που καταβλήθηκαν προκειμένου να αλλαχθούν οι ...
Date from: 1500-01-01
Type: Receipt/Invoice
Abstract: Περί αγοράς τροφίμων.
Date from: 1881
Type: Receipt/Invoice
Abstract: Κείμενο το οποίο βεβαιώνει ότι μεταξύ των ετών εγίρας 1078-1080 δεν υφίσταται καμία εκκρεμότητα ως προς τις δοσοληψίες μ...
Date from: 1670-01-01
Type: Receipt/Invoice; Document in Turkish
Abstract: Απόδειξη για την αποκοπή από το μαντρί της πόρτας.
Date from: 1500-01-01
Type: Receipt/Invoice
Abstract: Περί αποστολής παραγγελίας προς τη μονή Ξηροποτάμου.
Date from: 1904-01-17
Type: Receipt/Invoice
Abstract: Τιμολόγιο μεταφοράς προϊόντων.
Date from: 1910-03-15
Type: Receipt/Invoice
Abstract: Τιμολόγιο μεταφοράς προρϊόντων.
Date from: 1910-03-19
Type: Receipt/Invoice
Abstract: Απόδειξη μεταφοράς προϊόντων.
Date from: 1910-03-17
Type: Receipt/Invoice