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Bringing to light treasures and objects of everyday use found in the Monasteries is a task of particular interest, due to the special status of Mount Athos???? Bringing to light treasures and objects of everyday use found in the Monasteries is a task of particular interest, due to the special status of Mount Athos, which operates as a workshop for the production and preservation of a variety of aspects of everyday life throughout the years, from the Byzantine to the modern times.

The places from which the objects were collected to compile the folklore collections is the monastery hospital and the pharmacy, the carpentry and the forge, the mill, the ateliers, the refectory, the bakery, the storehouses and the monks' cells. Each one of these places in the Monastery had its own supply and its own instruments and tools to serve the purpose for which it was operating.

Folklore: Results 1-2 of 2.
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Abstract: -
Date from: 1880
Type: Life outdoors; life outdoors
Abstract: -
Date from: 1800
Type: Life outdoors; Domicile; life outdoors; domicile