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Athos Digital Heritage includes a number of interesting ceramic vases and porcelains, dating from the 15th century until the early 20th century. ???? Athos Digital Heritage includes a number of interesting ceramic vases and porcelains, dating from the 15th century until the early 20th century.

The majority of this collection refers to vessels of daily use, coming from significant production centers, such as Thessaloniki, Skyros, Trikala, Arta, Nicaea etc, as well as from Italian workshops. It is likely that several of these items were produced in Mount Athos by the monks themselves, or by travelling laymen.

The items included in the Athos Digital Heritage repository provide a representative picture of the potery used at Mount Athos, throwing an interesting light on a relatively unknown, until today, field regarding the monks' interest in luxury items of every-day use.

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Date from: 1850
Type: Transportation vessel